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Couverture de The Mountaintop School for Dogs and Other Second Chances

The Mountaintop School for Dogs and Other Second Chances

De : Ellen Cooney
Lu par : Jensen Olaya, Carrington McDuffie
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    "This book will grab your heart and not let go."—John Grogan, author of Marley & Me

    “A wise, engaging meditation on dogs, love, and recovery from pain. Come. Sit. Read!”—Lily King, author of Euphoriaand The Pleasing Hour

    “If you’ve ever loved a dog, this book is a must-read.”—Missourian

    The Sanctuary is a refuge for strays and rescued dogs. Evie has joined a training program there, though she knows almost nothing about animals. Like the greyhound who won’t move, the Rottweiler with attitude problems, or the hound who might be a candidate for search-and-rescue, Evie has a troubled past. But as they all learn, no one should stay prisoner to a life she didn’t choose. Heartfelt and hilarious in turn, this is a deeply moving story of the countless ways in which humans and canines help each other find new lives, new selves, and new hope.

    “This is a miracle of a book . . . Cooney is such a wise genius of a writer, and her sentences keep surprising you, but are never the point in themselves. I read with a kind of mental breathlessness. If Cooney needs someone to convince her to write a sequel, I volunteer.”—Gail Godwin, author of Evensong and Publishing

    “A moving and joyous romp . . . All the dogs are wonderfully, fully drawn characters . . . A brilliantly crafted, uplifting book.”—The Bark

    ©2018 Ellen Cooney (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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