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  • The Moonshine Shack Murder

  • A Southern Homebrew Mystery, Book 1
  • De : Diane Kelly
  • Lu par : Tyla Collier
  • Durée : 8 h et 25 min

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The Moonshine Shack Murder

De : Diane Kelly
Lu par : Tyla Collier
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    In this intoxicating new cozy-mystery series, the future for modern-day moonshiner Hattie Hayes looks bright - until death darkens the doorstep of her Moonshine Shack.

    The Hayes family has made moonshine in Chattanooga since the days of Prohibition, and Hattie is happy to continue the tradition, serving up fun, fruity flavors in mason jars for locals and tourists alike. All signs indicate her new 'shine shop will be a smashing success. What's more, Mounted Police Officer Marlon Landers has taken a shine to Hattie. For the first time ever, the stars seemed to have aligned in both her work and romantic life. But when a body ends up on her store's doorstep alongside a broken jar of her Firefly Moonshine, it just might be lights out for her fledgling business.

    The homicide detective can't seem to identify the person who killed the owner of a nearby bar. The only witness is Hattie's longhaired gray cat, and Smoky isn't talking. When the detective learns that the victim and Hattie had a heated exchange shortly before his murder, she becomes her prime suspect.

    Lest Hattie end up behind bars like her bootlegging great-grandfather a century before, she must distill the evidence herself and serve the killer a swift shot of justice.

    ©2021 Diane Kelly (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    "If you're thirsty for a mystery overflowing with Southern flavor and a shot of humor, The Moonshine Shack Murder is sure to quench your thirst and whet your appetite for more." (V. M. Burns, Agatha Award-nominated author of Paw and Order)

    "Hattie is the perfect sleuth, full of smarts, humor, and gumption to spare. Settle in for a great read!" (Winnie Archer, national best-selling author of Dough or Die)

    "The Moonshine Shack Murder is a charming cozy mystery that will warm you from the inside out and keep you guessing till the end!" (Kate Lansing, author of Killer Chardonnay)

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