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Couverture de The Monstrous Kind

The Monstrous Kind

De : Lydia Gregovic
Lu par : Victoria Blunt
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    The darkest secrets lie closest to home . . .

    Merrick Darling's life is better than most. As the daughter of a powerful lord, she wants for nothing - yet she will never inherit her family's Manor. Her only options are a smart marriage, or to live at the kindness of her practical and regimented elder sister, Essie.

    Until the day her father dies in mysterious circumstances, and Merrick is torn from her glamorous New London society life to Norland House, her family's mist-shrouded ancestral home.

    But the Manor has changed while Merrick has been away. Once strong and capable, Essie is withdrawn and frightened, and with good reason. The borders - their main defence against the toxic mist that has claimed much of their nation, and the deadly monsters that lurk within - have been failing for unknown reasons.

    When Essie goes missing, it's clear that Merrick needs help. But who can she trust when everyone seems to be scheming, and all she holds true feels like it's slipping out of her grasp?
    ©2024 Lydia Gregovic (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited


    'Lydia Gregovic's masterfully eerie twist on the Austenian will captivate readers with its haunting prose, decadent romance, and Gothic mise-en-scène. I was entranced by the beguiling world of regency and rot, where skeletons lurk in every closet and nothing is ever as it seems...' (Sophie Kim, author of The God and the Gumiho)

    'Eerie, romantic, and laced with treacherous mysteries, The Monstrous Kind will lure readers into the mist and hold them captive until the very last page' (Emily Thiede, author of This Vicious Grace)

    'Romantic, clever, and deeply emotional. Simmering tensions among the characters, well-wrought action scenes, and delightful twists will keep you tearing through the pages-even as Gregovic's decadent prose invites you to linger like the Graylands' mist. The Monstrous Kind is the darkly glimmering crown jewel of YA Gothic fantasy' (Allison Saft, New York Times bestselling author of A Fragile Enchantment)

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