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Couverture de The Monitors

The Monitors

De : Marq Turner
Lu par : Charles D. Hines
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    I’ve got another crazy story to tell people about how my generation was born in Hell.

    Nobody knows how it happened or why. Some say it was an act of God. Others say it was radiation from a passing comet the day before. However, it happened. It did.

    On the bright spring morning of March 18, 1970, the bodies of the recently dead came back to life and attacked the living. A man named John Marx Sr. and his son led a band of survivors to retake New York from the undead and eventually the East Coast, making him a living legend after what was called "The Great Awakening".

    Fifty years later, John's grandson and great-grandson live in a world where people have nanochips to monitor the life signs of the living to kill them if they ever die. Things seem to be going well until a mysterious defect causes people to die and join the ranks of the undead. John III must uncover a cover-up and conspiracy in order to save the world from another apocalyptic scenario because John and his team are the elite members of a government organization that kills the undead in order to save the living. They are...The Monitors.

    ©2021 Marq Turner (P)2022 Marquis Turner

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