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The Moment

De : Andrea Constand
Lu par : Tracey Hoyt
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An inspiring story of resilience and bravery by the woman who became the linchpin of the case to bring Bill Cosby to justice. Andrea Constand did the right thing, not just for herself, but for more than 60 other women.

When Bill Cosby was convicted on three counts of aggravated indecent assault in 2018, the verdict sent shock waves around the globe. Some were outraged that a beloved icon of family values, the man dubbed "America's dad", had been accused, let alone convicted. Others were stunned because they had waited so long to see justice; in accusations going back decades, more than 60 women recounted how they'd been drugged, raped, and assaulted at Cosby's hands. Andrea Constand is just one of these women, but her case could still be criminally prosecuted.

Constand's legal marathon required her to endure an excruciating civil suit, and two harrowing criminal trials. It was her deep sense of personal and social responsibility, fostered by her close-knit immigrant family and values earned through team sports, that gave her the courage to testify at the criminal trial - something she agreed to do not for herself, but for the more than 60 other women whose stories would never be told in court. Ultimately, Constand's testimony brought a powerful man to account. Cosby spent nearly three years in prison before his conviction was overturned on a procedural technicality in June 2021.

In The Moment, Constand opens up about the emotional and spiritual work she did to recover from the assault and the psychological regimen she developed to strengthen herself. She also gained a new understanding of the resiliency of human spirit, and the affirming knowledge that stepping up and doing the right thing, even when the outcome is uncertain, is the surest path to true healing. From the woman who has been called "the true hero of #MeToo", The Moment is a memoir about the moment a life changes, as hers did when she was assaulted; about the moment, nearly a decade later, when she stood up for victims without a voice and put herself through an arduous criminal trial; and about the cultural moment, signified by the #MeToo movement, that made justice and accountability possible.

©2021 Andrea Constand (P)2021 Viking
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    On NOW Toronto's "15 Best New Books to Read This Fall"

    “The true hero of #MeToo ... the first female courageous enough to stand up to all the power of Hollywood and demand the impossible and win the unbelievable.” —The New York Daily News

    "In the final version of her book, Constand adds a few thoughts following Cosby’s release from prison, saying 'happiness is all that matters,' and vowing 'to support sexual assault victims and to help other voices be heard.' Because of the prominence she gained during the Cosby trials, it’s conceivable that people will listen. In the end that might be a victory greater than anything possible in a courtroom." —The Washington Post

    “Constand’s is a story of sadness and joy, of disappointment and triumph, on every level…” —Vanity Fair

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