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Couverture de The Model

The Model

De : Richard H. Lawrence
Lu par : Stuart Bentley
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    Richard H. Lawrence, Jr. founded Overlook Investments in Hong Kong in 1991. Since inception, Overlook has grown at 14.3% per year for three decades a remarkable record of growth that is testament to a consistent ability to find and invest in Asia's best companies. This raises two important questions: How did Overlook achieve its success; and how can Overlook best ensure future success?

    Now, in a level of detail never before disclosed, Richard and the Overlook executive team turn the lens inward to analyze The Overlook Model. They describe the philosophies, practices and people that drive Overlooks outperformance.

    Welcome to The Model. The Model is composed primarily of stories of the people, companies, executives and events that have punctuated three decades at Overlook. There are stories of success, but also stories of problems and failure. This is how Overlook learned and grew.

    The two principal stories are a pulsating case study of the voracious 1997/98 Asian Crisis; and an extended review of TSMC, Asia's finest public company. A sharp focus is also placed on the constituent elements of The Overlook Model: Overlooks Investment Philosophy and Business Practices, which add up to Overlooks Margin of Safety.

    This analysis of investment theory how an investment management company should be run illustrates how Overlook is able to say with confidence that it can nearly guarantee delivery of outperformance to its investors.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Richard H. Lawrence, Jr. (P)2024 Richard H. Lawrence, Jr.

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