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  • The Mistress and the Key

  • De : Ben Mezrich
  • Durée : 9 h

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The Mistress and the Key

De : Ben Mezrich
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    From a New York Times bestselling author, Benjamin Franklin’s mysterious connection to Paul Revere and a cabal of powerful alchemists has been lost to history—until now.

    Card shark Hailey Gordon and ex con Nick Patterson—fresh off uncovering one of the biggest secrets of the Revolutionary War alongside American history professor Adrian Jensen—now find themselves in Philadelphia, immersed in the history of Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere. The Liberty Bell, Charles Willson Peale's Museum, and the Tomb of The Unknown Revolutionary Soldier are connected to Franklin in amazing ways. The more they discover, the more shocking the implications become.

    The long buried secrets Hailey and Nick are chasing have previously only been known by a select few, who would prefer to keep it that way. A woman known as The Heiress—part of a mysterious organization called The Family—is one of these rare historians. After generations of members have failed before her, The Heiress has been tasked to finally unearth the alchemical secrets Revere and Franklin may have discovered during their lifetimes.

    And she's not about to let Nick and Hailey get in her way.

    ©2023 Ben Mezrich (P)2023 Grand Central Publishing

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