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  • The Missing Justice

  • The Armando Felan and Lucy Sanders Mystery Series, Book 4
  • De : R.H. Bishop
  • Lu par : Richard Morrison
  • Durée : 8 h et 4 min

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The Missing Justice

De : R.H. Bishop
Lu par : Richard Morrison
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    The Missing Justice is the fourth book in the Lucy and Armando mystery series by R.H. Bishop.

    Lucy’s friend, Supreme Court Justice Iona Martin, is missing, her law clerk found dead in her chambers. The new POTUS has received a personal warning from Justice Martin, advising her to contact Lucy if anything happens. Lucy is ordered to Washington, DC, and when Armando reveals his former boyfriend is a Supreme Court law clerk, he is called upon to join her.

    POTUS is a disarmingly frank woman who first gained national recognition as a basketball star and is fond of sports metaphors. Her administration is losing public trust as it fails to locate the missing justice. Lucy must learn why the justice, from whom she has been estranged for many years, is now relying on her. She learns Justice Martin has a complicated and possibly risky personal life and was expected to be the swing vote in at least two cases where the emotions of the public and the parties are running very high. But all leads seem to be going nowhere. Lucy’s usually sharp mind is clouded by the baggage of her history with her old friend. Time is running out as the missing justice is nowhere to be found. The unknown enemy may be moving on to an unspecified “Plan B”, involving POTUS herself.

    Armando is not happy about being forced to work with Justin, the man he used to love. The excitement of being in the Capital, with its museums and malls and cherry blossoms, the diversions of a fabulous gay bar, a new gym, and some new admirers, may not be enough to maintain the equilibrium he has found since his traumatic breakup with Justin. A shocking incident of violence comes from an unexpected source. It leads to a break in the investigation. But will Justice Martin be found alive? A poor family in rural America may hold a key to solving the mystery. Lucy confronts her personal reservations and sends Armando to follow up on a final lead. Armando and Justin take a road trip that leads to an exciting climax.

    ©2020 Rosemary Helen Bishop (P)2022 Rosemary Helen Bishop

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