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Couverture de The Missing Body

The Missing Body

De : Kerry Wilkinson
Lu par : Rebecca Lee
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    I ran to get help. But her body disappeared. Will anyone believe me?

    Megan is unpacking in the spare room of her sister’s house when she hears the scream.

    Racing to the nearby woods, she is shocked to see a young woman’s unconscious body: her pink top bright against the earth, her long, dark hair wet from a nearby stream. But when desperate Megan returns with the police, all they find is empty woodland.

    She’s been through so much, her sister whispers, welcoming her home with a kind smile. You can’t blame her for seeing things.

    But Megan knows what she saw–and her past shouldn’t come into it. Was the young woman dead, or dying? How can a body just disappear?

    Megan left home for a good reason. Now, confronting the past could be the only way to find the truth. But what if Megan is in danger, too? And what price will she have to pay, to find the girl from the woods?

    An absolutely gripping mystery thriller that will make you question who to trust. Perfect for fans of Mark Edwards, Claire Douglas and T. M. Logan.

    ©2024 Kerry Wilkinson (P)2024 Bookouture, an imprint of Storyfire Ltd.

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