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Couverture de The Mind of God

The Mind of God

De : Bevan Frank
Lu par : Tyler Kauffman
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    Listeners of James Patterson, Dan Brown, and David Baldacci will surely feel at home with this award-winning international thriller and number one Amazon best seller.

    When Liz Greene discovers that her father is missing, she is unwittingly drawn into a sinister plot that could change the world forever.

    Before he went missing, Professor Harry Greene had been working on a crucial research project with major ramifications for the world. Now, Liz needs to find both her father and his groundbreaking research before it's too late.

    Meanwhile, United States President Daniel Rafferty is visiting Cape Town. Is it a coincidence that Liz’s father vanished while Rafferty is in the same city, or is there an even more sinister terrorist plot at play?

    Follow Liz as she and her friend, Tim Fletcher, decode one clue after another in a deadly hunt around Cape Town, while their pursuers will stop at nothing until they get what they want.

    ©2015 Bevan Frank (P)2022 Bevan Frank

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