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Couverture de The Mermaid and the Hidden Cove Kids Bedtime Stories

The Mermaid and the Hidden Cove Kids Bedtime Stories

De : Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
Lu par : S. Kay Manza
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    Dive into a world of enchantment and adventure with "The Mermaid and the Hidden Cove," a captivating bedtime storybook that will whisk young listeners away to a magical underwater realm.

    Follow the journey of Marina, a young mermaid with a heart full of curiosity and a spirit of adventure, as she discovers a hidden cove nestled beneath the waves. From the moment she sets foot in this mysterious sanctuary, Marina is drawn into a world of wonder, where she encounters friendly sea creatures, embarks on thrilling quests, and learns valuable lessons about courage, friendship, and the power of the ocean.

    Listeners will be transported to a vibrant underwater landscape, filled with vivid descriptions and rich sensory details that bring the hidden cove to life. From the shimmering coral reefs to the sun-dappled kelp forests, every corner of this magical world is teeming with beauty and excitement, just waiting to be explored.

    But amidst the joy and wonder, danger lurks in the depths, and Marina must summon all of her courage and strength to protect her newfound home from dark forces that threaten its peace and harmony. Along the way, she will forge bonds of friendship that will withstand even the greatest challenges, proving that with kindness, compassion, and unity, anything is possible.

    Perfect for bedtime listening or quiet moments of reflection, "The Mermaid and the Hidden Cove" is a timeless tale that will capture the imagination of listeners young and old alike. So gather round, dear listeners, and let the magic of the hidden cove wash over you as you embark on an unforgettable adventure beneath the waves.

    ©2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi (P)2024 Ayokunle Mathew Akinbi
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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