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  • The Mental Health Handbook

  • Strategies for Self-Care and Resilience
  • De : Elisha Lee
  • Lu par : Harvey Wallmann
  • Durée : 52 min

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Couverture de The Mental Health Handbook

The Mental Health Handbook

De : Elisha Lee
Lu par : Harvey Wallmann
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    The Mental Health Handbook is a comprehensive guide that provides practical strategies for promoting self-care and building resilience in the face of life's challenges. With a focus on reducing stigma and promoting open discussions on mental health, listeners will learn how to harness coping mechanisms for stress, manage anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders, and improve concentration, productivity, and overall wellbeing. Packed with research-based insights, this guidebook is designed for people who are looking to take control of their mental health through a lens of self-awareness and empowerment.

    Broken into easy-to-understand sections, each chapter tackles different aspects of mental health and provides practical tools to help navigate the complexities of life. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or simply looking for ways to manage life's daily stressors, The Mental Health Handbook serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in cultivating a healthier mind and body. With its personable tone, accessible writing style, and grounded advice, this book has become essential listening for those who want to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

    ©2024 Elisha Lee (P)2024 Elisha Lee

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