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Couverture de The Memory Thieves

The Memory Thieves

De : Dhonielle Clayton
Lu par : Megan Gage
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    The action-packed sequel to THE MARVELLERS, the best-selling fantasy adventure!

    Welcome to Year Two at the Arcanum Training Institute for Marvelous and Uncanny Endeavors!

    Ella, Jason, and Brigit are back at the global magic school in the sky for their second year. But not everyone is happy that Ella has returned, and when an illness begins affecting the students' marvels, she's in the spotlight once more.

    As tensions between Marvellers and Conjurors reach an all-time high, Ella and her friends are determined to unlock the secrets of the Arcanum Training Institute's past. Why is the truth about the Conjure architect who founded the Arcanum Training Institute being kept hidden?

    To discover what mysteries their school holds, they'll need to track down the stolen memories...

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Dhonielle Clayton (P)2023 Bonnier Books UK

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