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Couverture de The Meadowbrook Murders

The Meadowbrook Murders

De : Jessica Goodman
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    From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of They Wish They Were Us and The Counselors, comes a thrilling murder mystery set at a prestigious New England boarding school about the importance—and price—of telling the truth.

    Secrets don't die.

    It’s the first week of senior year at Meadowbrook Academy. For Amy and her best friend Sarah, that means late-night parties at the boathouse, bike rides through their sleepy Connecticut town, and the crisp beginning of a New England fall.

    Then tragedy strikes: Sarah and her boyfriend are brutally murdered in their dorm room. Now the week Amy has been dreaming about for years has turned into a nightmare, especially when all eyes turn to her as the culprit. She was Sarah’s only roommate, the only other person there when she died—or so she told the police to cover for her own boyfriend’s suspicious whereabouts. And even though they were best friends, with every passing day, Amy begins to learn that Sarah lied about a lot of things.

    Liz, editor of the school newspaper and social outcast, is determined to uncover the truth about what happened on campus, in hopes her reporting will land a prestigious scholarship to college. As Liz dives deeper into her investigation, the secrets these murdered seniors never wanted out come to light. The deeper Liz digs, the messier the truth becomes–and with a killer still on campus, she can’t afford to make any mistakes.

    The Meadowbrook Murders is a gripping mystery about the inextricable way power, privilege, and secrets are linked, and how telling the truth can come at a deadly price.

    ©2025 Jessica Goodman (P)2025 Listening Library

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