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The Mare and the Mouse

De : Martín Prechtel
Lu par : Martín Prechtel
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Beautiful and hilarious, tearful and rambunctious, very real, ironic, and magic-filled, Martín Prechtel’s book The Mare and the Mouse is a series of lyrical sagas in tribute to each of the native New Mexican horses that carried him through his youth on the Reservation and then again during the difficult times following his return home after over a decade in the Mayan Highlands of Guatemala.

First in the Stories of My Horses series, The Mare and the Mouse is meant to be enjoyed with crowds around campfires, especially with people who mistakenly believe that only rich people or rednecks ride horses. Prechtel credits both his own physical and spiritual survival in “modernity’s mad rush to nowhere” with the sanity of riding and living with his natural-born Southwestern horses. Not raised for show, performance, status, or money, these little horses allowed a way of living that took him flying over ravines into deep-mountain Holy places, backwards over streams, and, in general, kept alive a sparkier older spirit in an age where horses have been grossly de-natured and sadly removed from our own everyday lives after three millennia as the closest companions of our ancestors’ dreams and mythologies.

©2021 Martín Prechtel (P)2022 Martín Prechtel
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