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The Maqasidic Tafsir

De : Karim Abu Zaid
Lu par : Omar Inshanally
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The Maqasidic Tafsir (At-Tafsir Al-Maqasidi) concentrates on evaluating the higher objective (the Maqsad) of each chapter of the Quran methodologically. It then describes how each chapter's contents reveal the harmony between the higher purpose and the means to achieve it.

The Maqasidic Tafsir is mainly a combination of both evidence and opinion-based tafsir. It represents an exclusive maqasidic (higher aim) approach to explain the Quran. In tafsir's available trends, the maqasidic method has yet to be treated exclusively and has been subject to only partial and inclusive discussions.

The early Muslims were able to reapply the Quran in their lives. Hence, they gained dominance and strength on earth, because they were able to read the Quran again in light of their present time.

The time between the present and the revelation has prolongated. Hence, the process of reapplication took a backseat. Eventually, reapplication ceased to exist in the lives of the Muslims. There is a huge difference between the previous age and the modern age. In the modern age, the process of reapplication needs a different approach.

The maqasidic tafsir, that is, pursuing the higher aims of the Quranic script, is a means to recover this bond between the Muslims of today and the Quran. We must understand that each verse and chapter of the Quran has a maqsid, which means an aim, purpose, objective, goal, and wisdom.

©2021 Karim Abuzaid (P)2022 Colorado Muslims Community Center (CMCC)
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