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  • The Maker Versus the Takers

  • What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics
  • De : Jerry Bowyer
  • Lu par : William Sarris
  • Durée : 4 h et 39 min

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The Maker Versus the Takers

De : Jerry Bowyer
Lu par : William Sarris
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    A close reading of the Gospels, taking history and archaeology into account, demolishes the myth of a socialist Jesus.

    Theologians virtually ignore the economic commentary in the Bible. In the few cases where it gets any attention, economic commentary in the Gospels and other New Testament writings tend to lapse into simplistic class-warfare nostrums. Liberation theologians import Marxism wholesale (but they try to sell it retail) into theology. Academic historians of first-century Palestine/Judea have been pushing an account of a poor peasant Jesus leading a poor peasant's revolt based on the idea of mass displaced workers in Lower Galilee. The problem is the actual archaeological findings paint a picture of an industrious and entrepreneurial economy during Jesus' time there. Reading the Gospels in light of archaeology and history, which are now available to us, gives us a very different picture than the one you've been told regarding what Jesus taught about work and money.

    ©2020 Jerry Bowyer (P)2020 eChristian

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