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  • The Magical Musical Journey

  • The Adventures of Luna
  • De : Kike Calvo
  • Lu par : Tim Plewman
  • Durée : 26 min

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Couverture de The Magical Musical Journey

The Magical Musical Journey

De : Kike Calvo
Lu par : Tim Plewman
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    Embark on a captivating musical adventure filled with melody, rhythm, and friendship as you enter the enchanting world of Luna’s Magical Musical Journey. Join Luna, a creative and curious girl, and her faithful companion Alioli, as they uncover the mesmerizing power of music in a quiet and serene town. With the guidance of their newfound friends, Harmony, Rhythm, and Dynamics, Luna discovers the art of composing beautiful melodies that have the potential to touch the hearts of millions of children.

    This heartwarming story will inspire young listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of music, encouraging them to unleash their creativity and embark on their own personal journey of self-expression.

    Let the enchantment of Luna’s Magical Musical Journey ignite your imagination and immerse you in the irresistible rhythm of life.

    ©2023 Kike Calvo (P)2023 Kike Calvo


    "After reading Luna’s Magical Musical Journey, young readers will awaken their curiosity about music, feel its effect, and understand its significance. I invite you to follow in the footsteps of Luna and Alioli through the “Bosquecito” and discover a magical world full of music." (Gilberto Santa Rosa, “The Salsa Gentleman,” singer. Winner of six Grammy Awards.)

    "There is probably nothing a child can discover that will give them more joy and a sense of purpose than music. Luna’s adventure of discovery is a perfect starting point. Whether it leads a young person to fulfillment, pleasure, distraction, or virtuosity, it is a gift to treasure." (Banning Eyre, ethnomusicologist, Afropop Worldwide)

    "Designed to ignite young minds with the power of music, this delightful story weaves a magical narrative that celebrates the universality of this beautiful art form." (Enzo De Rosa, pianist and composer)

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