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  • The Magic of Walking

  • Your Guide to a Balanced, Purposeful Life
  • De : Susan Sommers
  • Lu par : Jenny Hoops
  • Durée : 3 h et 10 min

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The Magic of Walking

De : Susan Sommers
Lu par : Jenny Hoops
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    Listen to this book and I promise you will learn how to start, sustain, and expand your physical, mental, and emotional self. Gain inspiration to reach inside yourself and push beyond what you thought was possible. Build confidence in your ability to change and grow. Develop new skills to support meaningful and lasting lifestyle changes. Tap into your strengths, kindness, gifts, and talents. Shape your life from the inside out and to stay “inner driven”. 

    Walking is a form of exercise that’s available to most people. You don’t need any special equipment other than some supportive walking shoes. And there’s no need for an expensive membership at a fitness center.

    Walking for physical, mental, and emotional health can help reduce your risk of these common health problems:

    • Heart disease
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Depression

    I wrote this book to break down the myths about physical, mental, and spiritual walking, to share the successes and challenges of my lifelong walking journey, to provide strategies and tools to embrace different types of walking at every age and stage of life, and to help teach others about building physical, mental, and emotional resilience and inner strength. It is a celebration of my love of walking, which has enabled me to provide a quiet perspective to my life, take charge of my well-being, and maintain some control over my health, my future, and the process of aging.

    Walking is a power source for women!

    ©2021 Susan Sommers (P)2022 Susan Sommers

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