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Couverture de The Magic Secret

The Magic Secret

De : Claude M. Bristol, Genevieve Behrend, Frederick van Rensselaer Dey, Mitch Horowitz - introduction
Lu par : Mitch Horowitz
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    In this amazing Deluxe Personal Development Collection, you will learn the Magic Secret to achieving what you most desire.

    In The Magic of Believing Claude M. Bristol, who made a lifelong study of the practical powers of the psych, will show you why “you are as your mind is,” and how to program your mind for success.

    Then, you’ll discover what Genevieve Behrend learned from her teacher, New Thought pioneer Thomas Troward, about tapping into Your Invisible Power so you can live the life of your dreams!

    The Magic Story is one of the most intriguing and powerful works of inspiration ever written. Did you ever feel that you were two selves, divided between ordinary life and peak possibility? Author Frederick van Rensselaer Dey will help you discover the mysterious “you” who cannot fail.

    In this unparalleled collection, introduced and narrated by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch Horowitz, you will learn:

    • How to use the powers of suggestion and visualization to program your mind for success.
    • The links between self-image and performance and how to dress the part.
    • Why writing down symbols, aims, and wishes brings you special power.
    • The practical discoveries of ESP research and what they mean for you.
    • The “mirror technique” to boosting confidence.
    • The critical importance of knowing exactly what you want.
    • Why it’s important to stand for something.
    • How to feed your other self.

    Let this landmark collection be a turning point in your life. Open your mind and embrace this simple guide to attaining all you desire.

    ©Claude M. Bristol, Genevieve Behrend, Frederick van Rensselaer Dey, Mitch Horowitz (P)2024 Maple Spring Publishing

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