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Couverture de The Mafioso 4: Last Rites

The Mafioso 4: Last Rites

De : Gary Turcotte
Lu par : Bruce F. Davis
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    Sonny's wife Paulina tells him she wants another child. He agrees to expand the family. Tony's wife Roberta hears the good news and she also wants a child. She confides in Sonny that Tony is too stubborn to find out why he can't get her pregnant. She had been examined and the problem is not with her. Sonny keeps Roberta's secret and lies that he has a problem getting Paulina pregnant. He asks Tony to accompany him to the fertility clinic and once there Tony decides to get checked out.

    Both mobsters are trying to deal with this delicate situation when all of a sudden someone slits the throat of Robert Rizzo, crime boss of the Damato family, and his bodyguard Jesse. The Mancinis and Damatos are determined to find the killers. Sonny is worried for his family and his loyalties. He is forced to make the hardest decision of his life. He has secrets that he has to keep until the end of his life.

    ©2016 Gary Turcotte (P)2024 Gary Turcotte

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