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Couverture de The Machina

The Machina

De : Aaron Lott
Lu par : Aaron Smith
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    The stars have been disappearing from the night sky. 

    The Cael Navalis, sentient starships long thought to be merely legend, have returned from the dwindling stars and said the universe itself was dying. Those reluctant harbingers also brought a hope - a pinhole into a parallel reality that they might turn into a doorway. And through that door was a blue-green world they could call home - but it has life, for what else made the lights that twinkle in the darkness? Will they accept them, or seek to destroy them? 

    Cardem, the civilian leader of Stolica, thinks he can strike up peace no matter their response. Across the planet, Haldron, bolstered by a heavily-armed Cael Navalis, won’t leave those under his protection to the whims of whatever calls that planet home. 

    Arthur Dugan, an Australian scientist, has made his career studying a source of cosmic radiation he’s named 'The Light'. It has remained constant, just between the Earth and the moon, for the years he's been studying it. But when "The Light" goes out, he couldn’t have guessed it would return, or with whom.

    ©2020 Aaron T Lott (P)2020 Aaron T Lott

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