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The Lying Postman

De : Darrel Odgers, Sally Odgers
Lu par : Alan King
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Fourth release in this best-selling, fun mystery series about the dog detective with a nose for crime. The first of the series has been shortlisted for a prestigious Audie Award.

There's a new postman in Doggeroo - and he doesn't know the rules of the Postman Game.

Not only does he accuse Foxie of biting him, but he also calls Jack a mongrel! And when Fat Molly Cat from the Library comes to stay with Auntie Tidge, things don't get any better.

What did Jack find caught on the fence? Will it help him save the case of - The Lying Postman?

©2006 Sally and Darrel Odgers. First published by Scholastic Press a division of Scholastic Australia Pty Limited in. This edition published under licence from Scholastic Australia Pty Limited (P)2006 Bolinda Publishing
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Alan King gives a delightful performance of Darrel Odgers and Sally Odgers’ mystery novel Jack Russell 4: The Lying Postman. Dog detective Jack possesses a nose for crime. The latest? There’s a new postman who is violating all the rules of the Postman Game. He calls Jack a mongrel and accuses Foxie of biting him - the nerve! To make matters worse, Fat Molly Cat comes to stay with Auntie Tidge. When Jack finds something caught on a fence, it appears that he may have discovered a clue. Will he be able to solve the case?

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