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Couverture de The Lunar Light

The Lunar Light

De : C.J. Pinard
Lu par : Anne Marie LeBeaur
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    Ayla’s workload has just doubled: She’s got to kill the vampire Vicente Drago and try to get her precious dagger back, and she has to find Alto Rourke and before he kills any more humans or supernaturals. What Ayla and her friends aren’t prepared for is the tragedy that is going to befall one of their own.

    While trying to deal with her own grief, and help Kellan though his, she knows she has to use her inner strength and fury to locate Alto Rourke and end him once and for all. It’s not until she comes close to finding him that she realizes he’s been so elusive because he’s got someone on his side—someone Ayla would have never suspected would work for the enemy. Forgiveness and mercy have never been part of Ayla’s makeup. And she sure isn’t going to start trying to find these traits within herself anytime soon. The only thing she wants or needs to concentrate on is staying alive and keeping those she loves alive, too.

    How will things end for Ayla, Kellan, and their friends? Find out in the last and final fast-paced and emotional conclusion of the Ayla St. John Chronicles.

    The Lunar Light is book six in The Ayla St. John Chronicles, a paranormal romance for listeners 18 and older.
    As this is an ongoing series, books must be listened to in order.

    The Lunar Effect
    The Lunar Curse
    The Lunar Secret
    The Lunar Magic
    The Lunar Promise
    The Lunar Light

    ©2033 C.J. Pinard (P)2024 C.J. Pinard

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