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  • The Love We Found

  • The Light We Lost, Book 2
  • De : Jill Santopolo
  • Durée : 11 h

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Couverture de The Love We Found

The Love We Found

De : Jill Santopolo
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    The long-awaited follow-up to the Reese’s Book Club pick and New York Times bestselling global phenomenon The Light We Lost: a thrilling love story about the roles fate and choice play in shaping a life

    It’s been ten years. In case you’re out there somewhere—in case you’re listening, I’m here. And I have so much to tell you.

    It’s been nearly ten years since Gabe’s been gone when Lucy finds a tiny piece of paper in a box of his old photos. An address in Rome. Why did Gabe keep it, and what was he doing in Italy? Lucy buys a last-minute ticket. Impulsive, but Gabe always brought that out in her.

    Lucy’s journey to uncover Gabe’s secret leads her to Dr. Dax Amstrong, a New Yorker in Italy working with an NGO. His broad shoulders and sad, intense eyes draw Lucy in. His touch reaches her in a forgotten place—one that no one has neared since Gabe.

    But her old life awaits, along with an earth-shattering decision—whether she and Darren should tell their son Samuel the truth about his real father. How can Lucy move forward while she’s rooted in regret? Fate broke her heart in the past. Can finding new love set her free?

    ©2025 Jill Santopolo (P)2025 Penguin Audio

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