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Couverture de The Love Map

The Love Map

De : Carol Lynn Pearson
Lu par : Carol Lynn Pearson
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    Falling in love is easy. It’s rising in love that is the challenge and the growth and the joy.

    “There should be a map!” Joanna laments as she watches the love she thought to be as rare as a new galaxy become as tiresome as Daniel’s dirty socks on the floor of their bedroom. “There should be a map for love, finding it, keeping it. It’s too random, too risky!” As their third anniversary approaches, Joanna’s boss at Google sends her on an assignment to Jerusalem.

    A bomb in a café.

    A hospital.

    A deep sleep.

    A being of light.

    “I’m—I’m having a vision, aren’t I?”

    “This is the land of visions. Why should you not be given one?”

    “But—I’m not very religious.”

    A laugh. “Neither is God!”

    Joanna’s Higher Self tells her there is a hidden, guaranteed map for love, and Joanna is called on a hero’s journey to find it and follow it—not only for her and Daniel—but for all of humanity. And every step of the way will be the threat of the One with the Sword, whose sworn goal is to prevent Joanna from finding the map.

    This story is fiction. And it is true.

    ©2022 Carol Lynn Pearson (P)2022 Carol Lynn Pearson

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