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The Love Language of God

De : James W. Sheets
Lu par : Kyle Tait
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The Holy Spirit is changing the expression and understanding of Christianity in our generation. Like a caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis in preparation for its destiny as a butterfly, the Body of Christ is in the process of a Holy Spirit-inspired metamorphosis in preparation to enter into its God-given destiny as the Bride of Christ.

Christianity is changing from being a task-oriented "doing" to becoming a relationship-oriented "being" - becoming the eternal, equally-yoked companion for the Son of God. A clear image of that loving relationship between Christ and his bride, the Church, is presented in The Love Language of God for you.

Author James Sheets presents a clear picture of the love of God as he intends for us to understand it. In the busyness of our modern lives, it is easy to forget that a love relationship is what the Lord Jesus so desires to have with every believer. A clear image of that loving relationship between Jesus and his bride, the Church, is outlined here for those who are not satisfied with status quo Christianity, and are longing to have a closer, more intimate relationship with our Savior, the Glorious Man, Christ Jesus. Don't let that intimate relationship with Jesus get lost in the everyday hubbub of life.

©2011 Destiny Image Publishers Inc (P)2015 James Sheets
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