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  • The Lost Gospel of Barabbas: The Thirteenth Apostle

  • The Lost Gospel of Barabbas Quadrilogy, Book 1
  • De : Kevin L. Brooks
  • Lu par : Kevin L. Brooks
  • Durée : 8 h et 32 min

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The Lost Gospel of Barabbas: The Thirteenth Apostle

De : Kevin L. Brooks
Lu par : Kevin L. Brooks
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    A gripping and epic saga of the most notorious man in the Bible.Rome is at the height of its power and cruelty. Insurrection is punishable by death. While the Jews hope for their long-awaited messiah, a zealot hides in the belly of a ship, his hand forced in a rash and devastating event. He is hunted by Roman forces. He is plagued by supernatural hordes. Over land and sea, Barabbas will face his demons and journey toward an unimaginable destiny.

    The Lost Gospel of Barabbas not only reveals a detailed history of ancient Israel and Jewish customs, but undertakes a sweeping exploration of the criminal–from childhood to manhood–that history has told so little about, along with the times he lived in. With grit and humanity, Kevin Brooks asks the what if's and takes the listener on a very plausible road leading Barabbas from childhood tragedy to revenge and to redemption.

    Historical fiction with a supernatural twist!

    ©2014 Kevin L. Brooks (P)2023 Kevin L. Brooks

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