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The Lost Evacuee

De : Cathy Sharp
Lu par : Antonia Beamish
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The brand new emotional and compelling novel from the bestselling author

Will their new lives bring happiness, or heartache?

As the Blitz casts a dark shadow over London, Julie Miller, a teenaged orphan, is sent far away to keep her safe. Hoping this will be a new chapter after years of sadness, Julie voyages by ship across the Atlantic, and on the long passage, forges a bond with a young child called Beth, both of them dreaming of their new families and the happy like that awaits them.

Upon arrival, Julie quickly realises that reaching their destination is just the start of their journey, with many hardships for the orphans. But taking matters into her own hands, Julie is determined that she and Beth will have their happy ending…

©2023 Cathy Sharp (P)2023 HarperCollins Publishers Limited
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