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Couverture de The Lost Anchor

The Lost Anchor

De : Kent Welch
Lu par : Kent Welch
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    The Bible has served as the anchor of American culture from the earliest days of our founding. While connected to this anchor, our nation prospered like none before us. Today, our nation has disconnecting itself from the Bible, and we are adrift in a sea of relativism that threatens the very fabric of our society. Truth itself is now considered relative, and thus for all practical purposes, no longer exists. The Bible is dismissed as foolishness by a world growing more foolish every day.

    The Lost Anchor:

    1. Calls us to see our clear separation from the Bible as a culture
    2. Reminds us what the anchor is, and what it looks like
    3. Suggests ways we might reattach ourselves to it once again

    "Today we face moral questions and shifting societal attitudes that would have been unimaginable 100 years ago. We need answers that are relevant and solid anchor to steady us, lest we be swept away in confusion. 

    The Lost Anchor is a clear reminder of the blessing the Lord has given us in his word. Never has the word been more accessible, yet never has it been more neglected. The value of this book goes beyond the information it conveys. It provides spiritual wisdom that probes our heart, exposes our misconceptions, and seeks to build solid convictions about the reliability, sufficiency, and necessity of scripture. 

    We desperately need to go beyond believing the Bible is God’s Word to believing it is relevant to every issue of our life and more vital than our next meal." (James Keen, pastor and author of Shooting for the Mark: Aiming for Excellence in Parenting)

    ©2020 Kent Welch (P)2021 Kent Welch

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