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Couverture de The Long Journey Home

The Long Journey Home

De : Cecily Blench
Lu par : Natalie Dew
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    A moving and powerful novel of love, secrets and redemption in a country torn apart by war.

    It's 1941, and Kate is living in Rangoon, Burma. A world away from her traditional English upbringing, she is bewitched by the country and the kindness of the Burmese people. When Edwin, a young teacher from London, starts working in the government office with her, a friendship develops between them. But Kate can sense that Edwin has secrets and is looking for a place to call home - something she shares.

    As their bond grows, Kate begins to understand Edwin's past and the tragic events that brought them both to Burma. But war is coming, and, when the Japanese invade, Kate and Edwin are forced to flee, along with thousands of others. They begin a perilous journey to India but soon become separated. As Kate continues alone, she can't get the troubled young man she has come to care so deeply for out of her head.

    With the fallout of war all around them, in a place far from home, will Kate and Edwin survive their journey and find the new beginning they both seek?

    The Long Journey Home is the winner of the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, Best Unpublished Manuscript Award. Perfect for fans of Kate Furnivall and Dinah Jefferies.

    ©2021 Cecily Blench (P)2021 Bonnier Books UK

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