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Couverture de The Lock-Eater

The Lock-Eater

De : Zack Loran Clark
Lu par : Ann Marie Lee
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    "Will have readers tumbling through the pages . . . Deeply immersive, full of both heft and humor." —Soman Chainani, New York Times bestselling author of The School for Good and Evil series

    * "One of those special books that only comes around every so often . . . An absolute revelation." —SLJ (starred review)

    For fans of Nevermoor and Howl's Moving Castle comes an epic fantasy about a girl with the ability to unlock anything—including the empire's darkest secrets.

    Melanie Gate is a foundling with a peculiar talent for opening the unopenable—any lock releases at the touch of her hand. One night, her orphanage is visited by Traveler, a gearling automaton there on behalf of his magical mistress, who needs an apprentice pronto. When Melanie is selected because of her gift, her life changes in a flash, and in more ways than she knows—because Traveler is not at all what he seems. But then, neither is Melanie Gate.

    So begins an epic adventure sparkling with magic, wit, secret identities, stinky cats, fierce orphan girls, impostor boys, and a foundling and gearling hotly pursued by the most powerful and dangerous wizard in the land.

    Action-packed yet layered, The Lock-Eater is a mix of lush world-building, high stakes, humor, and emotional heft—a page-turner and so much more.

    "A new classic . . . Perfect for fans of Ursula LeGuin and Diana Wynne Jones." —Eliot Schrefer, author of The Lost Rainforest series
    * "Startlingly deep [while] maintaining its swift pace."BCCB (starred review)
    "Will delight . . . An entertaining page-turner." —GeekMom
    “Incredibly memorable . . Vibrant [and] skillfully wrought.” Betsy Bird for a Fuse #8 Production/SLJ
    "Inventive and lighthearted [yet still] plumbs areas of darkness and loss.”The Horn Book
    “Expansive adventure, intricate worldbuilding, and a memorable cast [will] immerse readers.”PW
    "A magical world unlike any other." —Cracking the Cover

    ©2022 Zack Loran Clark (P)2022 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    An Indie Next List Pick

    An ALA Rainbow List Selection

    "As intricate and sparkling as the magical spells [it] describes, [managing] to combine high fantasy with a heart-wrenching passageway through adolescence, queer awakening, and existential mysteries with ease. . . . Clark has crafted one of those special books that only comes around every so often, a delicately balanced fantasy and coming-of-age novel that will resonate with adults and children alike. A must-purchase . . . this philosophical fantasy is an absolute revelation for an adolescent child yearning for adventure and knowing oneself. School Library Journal (starred review)

    “Incredibly memorable. Hand this work of fantasy over to the child that’s beginning to get bored with the Harry Potter knock-offs of the world. It’ll give them something to think about. . . . A marvelous example of how you may render old ideas new, if only you’ve the ability to combine smart, timely writing with the current zeitgeist. Our kids are lucky they get to tap into books like this.” —Betsy Bird for A Fuse #8 Production/SLJ

    “Expansive adventure, intricate worldbuilding, and a memorable cast, [this] cozy fantasy set amid the beginnings of a wizard war [features] close friendships and a sweet queer crush. [A] flowing, vivid prose style [will] immerse readers.” —Publishers Weekly

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