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Couverture de The Lives of Lucian Freud

The Lives of Lucian Freud

De : William Feaver
Lu par : Jonathan Keeble
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    Bloomsbury presents The Lives of Lucian Freud by William Feaver, read by Jonathan Keeble.

    The second half of William Feaver's Baillie Gifford Prize-shortlisted work of biography: the definitive story of the epic life of one of the 20th century's most important artists.

    William Feaver, Lucian Freud’s collaborator, curator and close friend, knew the unknowable artist better than most. Over many years, Freud narrated to him the story of his life, ‘our novel’.

    Fame follows Freud at the height of his powers, painting the most iconic works of his career in a constant and dissatisfied pursuit of perfection, just outrunning his gambling debts and tailor’s bills. Whether tattooing swallows at the base of Kate Moss’ back or exacting a strange and horrible revenge on Jerry Hall and Mick Jagger, Freud’s adventures were always perfectly characteristic. 

    An enfant terrible till the end, even as he was commissioned to paint the queen and attended his own retrospectives, what emerges is an artist wilfully oblivious to the glitter of the world around - and focused instead on painting first and last.

    ©2020 William Feaver (P)2020 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

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