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Couverture de The Little Princess

The Little Princess

De : Cassandra Gaisford
Lu par : Cassandra Gaisford
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    Follow your heart! Heed the call for courage!

    Feeling stuck, depressed, or demotivated? There are so many reasons why you should follow your dreams. If you need some motivation, look no further than this book.

    Part moral allegory and part spiritual autobiography, The Little Princess is a timeless charm which tells the story of a young woman who leaves the safety of fitting in with everyone else, to follow her heart.

    Be inspired by this journey to transformation and self-acceptance, and self-belief as she learns to overcome the vagaries of adult behavior. Her personal odyssey culminates in a voyage of self-belief, passion, and purpose.

    From the best-selling author of Mid-Life Career Rescue, Stress Less, and How to Find Your Passion and Purpose: a powerful, inspiring, and practical book about boosting resilience, overcoming obstacles, and moving forward after life’s inevitable setbacks.

    Find out what strategies are sabotaging your success. Find and follow your passion and purpose faster.

    Bonus: Free Excerpts from the second book in the series, I Have to Grow and Cassandra's best-selling book, How to Find Your Passion and Purpose. Overcome common obstacles to success easily (including the fear of failure, fear of success, fear of criticism - and others)

    ©2019 Cassandra Gaisford (P)2019 Cassandra Gaisford

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