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Couverture de The Little Italian Hotel

The Little Italian Hotel

De : Phaedra Patrick
Lu par : Claire Calverley
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    ’The perfect book to read when you want to give your heart a holiday’ Sally Page, bestselling author of The Keeper of Stories

    'An uplifting story full of hope, love and healing. A perfect summer read’ B. A. Paris, bestselling author of Behind Closed Doors

    Escape to Italy with The Little Italian Hotel, the uplifting new book from Phaedra Patrick, the author of The Library of Lost and Found.

    Ginny Splinter, acclaimed radio host and relationship expert, prides herself on knowing what’s best for others. So, she’s sure her husband, Adrian, will love the special trip to Italy she’s planned for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. But when Ginny presents the gift, he surprises her with his own very different plan: a divorce.

    Beside herself with heartache, Ginny impulsively goes live on air to invite four heartbroken listeners to join her instead. From hiking the hills of Bologna to sharing a gondola in Venice and dancing until dawn, Ginny and her guests embark on a holiday of full of fun, hope and healing.

    Sunny, tender and brimming with charm, The Little Italian Hotel explores love, the importance of friendship, and reclaiming the present moment – even if it means leaving the past behind.

    ©2023 Phaedra Patrick (P)2023 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    ‘The perfect book to read when you want to give your heart a holiday’
    Sally Page, author of The Keeper of Stories

    ‘Great story and engaging characters, the perfect read for the sunny days ahead!’
    B. A. Paris, author of The Prisoner

    ‘Sunshine on the pages – utterly wonderful’
    Faith Hogan, author of The Ladies’ Midnight Swimming Club

    ‘The perfect summer read’
    Take a Break

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