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Couverture de The Little Book of Trading Options Like the Pros

The Little Book of Trading Options Like the Pros

De : David Berns, Michael Green
Lu par : Jim Denison
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    In The Little Book of Trading Options Like the Pros, a team of veteran options and derivatives traders delivers an expert account of how to master the zero-sum game of options trading. In the book you'll learn how to "become the house," consistently making a small amount of money—on average—on each trade, in a similar fashion to a casino in Las Vegas.

    The authors explain how to skip the painful part of the steep options learning curve, showing you how to avoid the most common pitfalls and become a profitable trader quickly.

    You'll find:

    - A one-stop resource for everyone looking to become a pro-level trader, including a primer on options without fancy math

    - A review of the full options ecosystem, and how to position yourself with the odds in your favor, to be a profitable player in this complex trading landscape

    - A deep dive into the same strategies and techniques used by professional options traders, without the need for finance degrees or hard-to-obtain experience

    - And more

    Perfect for aspiring day traders, The Little Book of Trading Options Like the Pros is also a must-listen book for anyone interested in investing or trading in modern financial markets.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 David Berns and Michael Green (P)2024 Ascent Audio

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