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  • The Little Book of Parenting

  • How to Nurture Your Child to Their Full Potential
  • De : Chinyelu Kunz
  • Durée : 10 h

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The Little Book of Parenting

De : Chinyelu Kunz
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    Chinyelu Kunz is a childhood educational mentor and a leading parenting coach. Her expertise has supported thousands of families in their mission to nurture and encourage content, kind and thriving children, who continue to blossom into adulthood - and she distils it here into a must-buy book for parents seeking to raise emotionally healthy children.

    The Little Book of Parenting covers everything you need to raise happy, resilient children from preschool to adult. Focusing on your emotional wellbeing as a starting point, it enables you to support your child with a healthy foundation, the ability to self-regulate, your dynamics as a family and the importance of clear but lovingly-set boundaries and solid routines.

    Implementing the practical and emotional advice in this book will help parents unlock their child's unique potential so they can thrive, grow into their best and unique self, and emerge into adulthood with a rock-solid foundation as a confident, happy and content being. There are special tips and advice and a plethora of actionable bite-sized takeaways which make the listener's experience relaxing, digestible and relatable.

    ©2024 Chinyelu Kunz (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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