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  • The Little Book of Hedge Funds

  • What You Need to Know About Hedge Funds but the Managers Won't Tell You (Little Books. Big Profits)
  • De : Anthony Scaramucci
  • Lu par : Don Hagen
  • Durée : 5 h et 22 min

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The Little Book of Hedge Funds

De : Anthony Scaramucci
Lu par : Don Hagen
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    The Little Book of Hedge Funds is big on explanations even the casual investor can use.

    An accessible overview of hedge funds, from their historical origin, to their perceived effect on the global economy, to why individual investors should understand how they work, The Little Book of Hedge Funds is essential reading for anyone seeking the tools and information needed to invest in this lucrative yet mysterious world. Authored by wealth management expert Anthony Scaramucci, and providing a comprehensive overview of this shadowy corner of high finance, the book is written in a straightforward and entertaining style. Packed with introspective commentary, highly applicable advice, and engaging anecdotes, this Little Book:

    • Explains why the future of hedge funds lies in their ability to provide greater transparency and access in order to attract investors currently put off because they do not understand how they work
    • Shows that hedge funds have grown in both size and importance in the investment community and why individual investors need to be aware of their activities
    • Demystifies hedge fund myths, by analyzing the infamous 2 and 20 performance fee and addressing claims that there is an increased risk in investing in hedge funds
    • Explores a variety of financial instruments - including leverage, short selling and hedging - that hedge funds use to reduce risk, enhance returns, and minimize correlation with equity and bond markets

    Written to provide novice investors, experienced financiers, and financial institutions with the tools and information needed to invest in hedge funds, this audiobook is a must for anyone with outstanding questions about this key part of the 21st century economy.

    ©2012 Anthony Scaramucci (P)2012 Gildan Media, LLC


    "Anthony Scaramucci appears to do the unthinkable - invite people into the historically mysterious, inaccessible, and complicated world of hedge funds. Full of great insights, laugh-out-loud anecdotes, and firsthand accounts from hedge-funds legends, Scaramucci gives us a jargon-free, clearly written, and easy-to-understand comprehensive guide into the industry." (Gary Kaminsky, Capital Markets Editor, CNBC)

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