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Couverture de The Little Book of Big Beauty

The Little Book of Big Beauty

De : Bernadette Fisers
Lu par : Bernadette Fisers
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    Simple tips and tricks for feeling your beautiful best - inside and out - from leading hair and makeup artist and best-selling author Bern Fisers.  

    What does it mean to be beautiful? Bernadette Fisers has spent a career in fashion, hair and makeup, travelling the world to work on famous faces - so she knows better than most that beauty is much more than skin deep. Anyone can be beautiful, and it starts simply with loving yourself.  

    In this wise little audiobook, she shares a lifetime’s worth of tips for creating the kind of inner and outer beauty that makes you glow - simple truths like kindness, authenticity, acceptance and generosity that shine through and make life richer and more joyful.  

    We all know that when we look good, we feel better, too - so Bernadette also spills the secrets that only a beauty insider could know. From the products you seriously can’t live without to the ones you most definitely can, plus all the essential techniques, she’ll guide and empower you to make smart, beautiful choices for yourself so you can look your absolute best with minimal confusion and expense. 

    In an hour, you’ll be on your way to a more beautiful you.

    ©2018 Bernadette Fisers (P)2018 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd

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