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Couverture de The List

The List

De : Jade Chang
Lu par : Jade Chang
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    Forget online dating, matchmakers, and awkward setups. In this insightful essay, Jade Chang, author of The Wangs vs. the World, exposes the secrets behind the latest solution for finding love in the twenty-first century.

    The new dating craze among the divorced, recently broken up with, and frustrated singles of Los Angeles starts with the creation of “the List.” The converted swear by it - just write down everything you want in a partner, and the cosmos will provide. But could such a simple, old-fashioned technique actually work? Enter Jade, who investigates this increasingly popular path to a soul mate, with charming and hilarious effects, tracing the history of list making - and learning about dating and love along the way.

    The List is part of The Real Thing, a collection of moving, hilarious, and big-hearted essays on the modern realities of friendship, romance, commitment, and love. Each story can be listened to in a single sitting.

    ©2018 Jade Chang (P)2018 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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