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Couverture de The Lighthouse on Plum Island

The Lighthouse on Plum Island

De : Amy Rafferty
Lu par : Amy Landon, Danny Gavigan
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    "I wanted to write mysteries, not live them!"

    Caroline Shaw's life unravels and reblooms on the quaint shores of Plum Island, New England.

    After the loss of her father and the end of her fifteen-year marriage after her husband's cheating, Caroline and her fourteen-year-old daughter, Jules, seek a fresh start. Destroyed and in pieces, she knows she can make it through and get her life back on track.

    Amid financial struggles and a fraying mother-daughter relationship, Caroline finds solace in writing mystery novels and focusing on her dreams.

    A twist of fate lands her in New York, where a chance encounter with Brad, a gorgeous and somewhat charming man who turns out to be Brandon Danes, the director of her book series' television adaptation, changes everything.

    As filming begins on Plum Island, Caroline navigates rekindling her relationship with Jules and the complexities of opening her heart to Brad, all while uncovering the layers of secrets he holds.

    The Lighthouse on Plum Island is a story of redemption, love, and the unexpected twists that lead to life's most fulfilling chapters. Join Caroline in this heartwarming first novel of the Cobble Beach Romance series, where it's never too late for a second chance at love. For the best experience, listen to the books in order.

    ©2024 Amy Rafferty (P)2024 Podium Audio

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