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  • The Light Work

  • Reclaim Your Feminine Power, Live Your Cosmic Truth, and Illuminate the World
  • De : Jessica Zweig
  • Lu par : Jessica Zweig
  • Durée : 7 h et 30 min

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Couverture de The Light Work

The Light Work

De : Jessica Zweig
Lu par : Jessica Zweig
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    This program is read by the author.

    Unlock your infinite potential in every area of your life and become your own inspiration.

    Using the concept of Light as a tool for personal and spiritual growth, bestselling author and entrepreneur Jessica Zweig challenges listeners to hit the proverbial “light switch" and illuminate their own lives. Rooted in the Pleiadian teachings of Light as “Information,” “Truth,” and “Love,” Jessica’s philosophy teaches listeners to name, claim, and reframe their inner darkness in order to unlock their infinite potential and remember who they truly are.

    Jessica Zweig is the founder of a multimillion-dollar business, a bestselling author, and a social media phenomenon—but her path was not an easy one. The Light Work distills the highly-evolved spiritual concepts she learned along the way into practical applications, delivered with Jessica’s signature straight-talk. How-to’s, exercises, and journal prompts interweave with Jessica’s powerful personal story to create a guidebook to a more inclusive, loving, and Light-filled life.

    Within this audiobook lies radical self-empowerment, because—as Jessica says—when you can claim all parts of yourself (your dark and your light, your power and your shame, your sh*t and your shine), you become… unstoppable. You become the Lightworker.

    A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin’s Press Essentials.

    ©2024 Jessica Zweig (P)2024 Macmillan Audio


    “Jessica Zweig dives deep into the darkness and returns with rays of light.” - Marianne Williamson

    “A memoir meets manual for finding the power within yourself–when you’re a success and when you’re falling apart. And a call to the sisterhood that we came here for.” - Danielle LaPorte, author of How To Be Loving and creator of the Heart Centered Membership

    "Holy shift! If you’re ready to live bolder and create a more meaningful, love-fueled life, Jessica Zweig's The Light Work is for you. Get ready for a deeply spiritual and transformative journey to your highest, most embodied and radiant self." - Kris Carr, New York Times bestselling author, wellness coach, and cancer thriver

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