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  • The Life Is Too Short Guy

  • Strategies to Make Every Day the Best Day Ever
  • De : Scott White
  • Lu par : Scott White
  • Durée : 4 h et 57 min

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The Life Is Too Short Guy

De : Scott White
Lu par : Scott White
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    Is today your best day ever? Are you happy, grateful, motivated, and living your best life? Today is your day to answer with a definitive yes to these questions! The Life Is Too Short Guy: Strategies to Make Every Day the Best Day Ever will give you a practical road map to make the most of every minute and to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

    Author Scott White is the Life Is Too Short Guy. He takes you on an inspiring and emotional journey as he weaves together thought-provoking personal stories and the stories of others who have had major "Aha!" moments in life, to share the key principles of The Life Is Too Short Guy, or “LITSG”, philosophy.

    In this book, you will explore the LITSG philosophy and how to use it daily. Some of the principles include:

    • Attitude is everything–the power of positivity.
    • Funny things are everywhere.
    • Minutes matter.
    • Take a chance and get it done today.
    • You can’t make it alone.

    You only have so many minutes in your life, don’t waste another one. Take the tools you learn in this book and make today, and every day, the best day ever!

    ©2022 Scott White (P)2023 Scott White

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