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Couverture de The Legend of Stone Mountain

The Legend of Stone Mountain

De : Joshua David Ling
Lu par : Joshua David Ling
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    Hidden beneath Stone Mountain's imposing facade lies a dark and intriguing secret. Drawn together by an irresistible force, a disparate group of individuals with unique powers, embark on a quest to uncover its legend. Unbeknownst to them, they are thrust into an ancient battle between good and evil.

    Amidst the peculiar happenings surrounding Cyrus Jones's family farm, her unique ability to command the weather unveils its true purpose. Determined to unearth the truth behind the relentless loss of everything she holds dear, Cyrus's investigation leads her to two captivating figures—Mr. H, the leader of an underground resistance, and Bobby Carter, a mesmerizing carnival performer.

    Meanwhile, former knights William Avery and Quinton Fenris break free from their allegiance to The Knights of Adonai, a modern order of knights connected with Alethea Church. Now fugitives, and questioning their once-loyal motives, they must elude pursuers while grappling with their own profound destinies.

    As these lives intertwine, more extraordinary individuals emerge from the shadows. Amira Kadru, a young prodigy with the power of mirroring, and the enigmatic warlock Marlynn, a guiding presence for the amnesic Amy; All join the growing alliance. Together with Cyrus, Bobby, William, and Quinton, they unite as the Guardians of Atlanta, a formidable force against the malevolent darkness seeking to resurrect Stone Mountain's ancient legend.

    With fate converging upon Stone Mountain, an inevitable final showdown looms. The dormant power within the sacred rock remains a tantalizing mystery. Who will triumph in the battle to unravel the legend, and what otherworldly forces will be unleashed? Brace yourself for an epic tale of superheroes—a poetic masterpiece where super powers clash in a timeless struggle for Georgia's own Stone Mountain.

    ©2024 Joshua David Ling (P)2024 Joshua David Ling

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