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Couverture de The Lazy Girl's Guide to Losing Weight and Getting Fit

The Lazy Girl's Guide to Losing Weight and Getting Fit

De : A.J. Rochester
Lu par : A.J. Rochester
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    A. J. Rochester has always been a lazy girl. She knows how hard it is to lose weight and exercise, and keep inspired about it to boot, especially when she'd much rather curl up with some chippies and watch Carson on Queer Eye. After losing a staggering 45 kilos, and writing about it in her best-seller, Confessions of a Reformed Dieter, hundreds of desperate women wanted to know how she did it.

    Forget Dr Phil, the clothesline, and Atkins: this is an easy, fun, and effective guide for any lazy girl who needs to lose weight and get results that last. The Lazy Girl's Guide to Losing Weight and Getting Fit is a simple, step-by-step program that details the nuts and bolts of how A. J. lost weight. She has helped over 200 clients through her 5 Kilo Club at Fernbank Fitness Centre. There's no starvation, no low carb torture, and no weights and measures: A. J. focuses on achievable goals, having fun, and loving yourself while you make the biggest changes in your life.

    ©2005 AJ Rochester. (P)2007 Bolinda Publishing

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