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Couverture de The Last Zero Fighter

The Last Zero Fighter

De : Dan King
Lu par : Drew Bott
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    Firsthand accounts from interviews conducted in Japan with five WWII Japanese Naval aviators. All are veterans of the pivotal battles of the Pacific War including; USS Panay, Nanking, Pearl Harbor, Wake Island, Rabaul, Port Darwin, Indian Ocean Raid, Ceylon, Midway, Guadalcanal, Marshall Islands, Tarawa, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, the kamikaze in the Philippines, the home defense and the dropping of the atomic bomb. 

    Includes an introduction to the Japanese pilot training system for both officers and enlisted men. 

    Each pilot is followed from the time he joined the navy until war's end. They explain in their own words; why they joined the navy, what they thought about the war, about the aircraft they flew, how they felt about their friends and their former adversaries.  

    The interviews were conducted firsthand in their own language by King who is a linguist and Pacific War historian who spent 10 years living in Japan.

    ©2012, 2018 Dan King (P)2020 Dan King
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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