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Couverture de The Last Nephilim

The Last Nephilim

De : Alexander Boxall
Lu par : Laura Greaves
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    Other than the nightmares and the expensive boarding school, Gabi was just like any other British teenager. That is, until an ancient demon attacks her family, kidnaps her cousin, and turns the local police against her....

    With nowhere safe to go, she has no choice but to team up with an unlikely stranger who seems to be the only person she can trust, but the things he tells her don't seem to make any sense. As she races around the UK—from the rural villages of Surrey to the great cathedral cities of Guildford, Winchester, and London—will she find that ancient legendary weapon, the only one capable of destroying the demon's Army of Shadows? And more importantly, will she find it in time to save her friends and family?

    For fans of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, the Harry Potter series, and supernatural mystery, The Last Nephilim is a pulse-pounding thriller that seamlessly weaves a tale of secret strength, supernatural battles, and the enduring power of love and sacrifice. This captivating novel will keep you on the edge of your seat right up to the very last word. Immerse yourself in this world of angels and demons, where destiny hangs by a thread, and the fate of humanity lies in the hands of one determined young woman.

    You do not want to miss out on this unforgettable adventure!

    ©2023 Alexander J. Boxall (P)2023 Alexander J. Boxall

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