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  • The Last Hour Between Worlds

  • The Echo Archives, Book 1
  • De : Melissa Caruso
  • Durée : 10 h

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The Last Hour Between Worlds

De : Melissa Caruso
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    'I completely adored this book and would read a dozen more of Kembral's adventures'
    Shannon Chakraborty, New York Times bestselling author of The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi

    'A masterpiece - filled with excitement, romance and characters you would protect with your life . . . Unmissable!
    Andre Stewart, author of The Bone Shard Daughter

    Follow a star investigator and her rival as they journey through layers of reality to save the world as they know it in this whip-smart adventure fantasy packed full of reality-bending magic, Sapphic romance and tantalising mystery.

    Kembral Thorne is spending a few precious hours away from her newborn, and she's determined to enjoy herself at the year-turning ball. But when the guests start dropping dead, Kem has no choice but to get to work. She's a member of the Guild of Hounds, after all, and she can't help picking up the scent of trouble. Especially when her professional and personal nemesis, notorious cat burglar Rika Nonesuch, is also on the prowl.

    At the heart of the mayhem is a mysterious clock that sends the ballroom down into strange and otherworldly new layers of reality every time it chimes. As the party plunges through increasingly dangerous versions of their city, Kem will have to rely on her wits - and Rika - to unravel the mystery before catastrophe is unleashed on their world.

    'Melissa Caruso's writing is razor-sharp and this book is one heck of a page-turner'
    Nicholas Eames, author of Kings of The Wyld

    'An absolute delight!'
    Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January

    'I loved it and can't wait for more in this world'
    Genevieve Cogman, author of The Invisible Library

    'A witty, tense and imaginative triumph of a book'
    Sam Hawke, author of City of Lies

    'A jewelled swirl of dangerous magic, fabulous outfits and reluctant heroism, Caruso's The Last Hour Between Worlds is fiendishly well-plotted, utterly enchanting and surprisingly relatable'
    Leife Shallcross, author of The Beast's Heart
    ©2024 Melissa Caruso (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK

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