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Couverture de The Last Heiress

The Last Heiress

De : Bertrice Small
Lu par : Shiloh Grey
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    New York Times best-selling author Bertrice Small concludes her acclaimed saga of Rosamund Bolton and her daughters with this tale of passion, intrigue, and seduction, set against the glorious backdrop of King Henry's court....

    Elizabeth Meredith, the youngest daughter of Rosamund Bolton, is nothing like her sensible sisters. Impatient with fancy manners, the young beauty has shunned the royal court in favor of a quiet life at Friarsgate. But to protect the future of the land she loves, she must venture into the court of King Henry VIII to find a suitable husband.

    Elizabeth soon scandalizes the court by forging a friendship with Anne Boleyn and by flirting with Flynn Stewart, bastard brother to King James V of Scotland. But her fate lies back at Friarsgate - as she has always known - where a weakness for Scots sends her into the strong arms of Baen MacColl. Yet Elizabeth's greatest passion is for her lands; and Baen's loyalties may lie elsewhere. Can they overcome the barriers threatening to separate them? And can Elizabeth, by following her heart, still protect Friarsgate?

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2005 Bertrice Small (P)2021 Tantor

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