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Couverture de The Last Device

The Last Device

De : James David Victor
Lu par : Trevor Wilson
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    When the enemy holds most of the cards, the only thing you can do is swipe the last piece of the puzzle away from them.

    Don't miss the final book in the epic Sentinels sci-fi adventure from Amazon All-Star author James David Victor.

    Melias and crew have lost all the devices that once gave them a real chance at defeating the Prime Ones and the Lightbringers, and their beloved ship has been destroyed. And they are still being chased by the military they are trying to serve. With their only advantage lost, their only option is to find the last device before the enemy does. The fate of humanity now rests on their ability to find the final device first. Can these fugitive heroes avoid capture long enough to save mankind?

    The Last Device is the final book in the Sentinels series. If you like sci-fi adventures, space battles with complex alien invaders, and unexpected twists in humanity's exploration of the stars, this could be your new favorite series.

    Listen to The Last Device and see how this epic space adventure ends!

    ©2024 James David Victor (P)2024 Dreamscape Lore

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